Prepress Studio of printing house Poligrafia Janusz Nowak is primarily a team of professionals with many years of experience supported by modern technology from Heidelberg.
The process of preparing materials for printing is extremely important, so we pay special attention to it. To ensure the high quality of our services, we have implemented Heidelberg’s production management system “Prinect”. The system allows you to efficiently manage production processes in the printing house from the receipt of the order to the final product. Prinect allows you to achieve automation, integrate and optimize all your production processes, leading to even faster order execution.
- Remote Access / Prinect Portal – delivery and acceptance of materials through the website
- Preflight report – detailed quality report of delivered files generated automatically by the system. (within a few minutes of placing the materials)
- Certified proof – made on customer’s request with ISO 12647-2 certification
- CTP imagesetters – two independent plate irradiation lines based on HEIDELBERG Suprasetter 105 and Suprasetter 106.

We print on Heidelberg machines from B3 to B1 format. We have units 4, 5 and 10 colored in total we have 22 aggregates including two dispersion varnishes.
The machines are equipped with modern systems for measuring and correcting AXIS CONTROL II and INPRESS CONTROL II printing parameters, allowing you to control the process in real time. Processes are supervised in accordance with ISO 12647 norm.
At your disposal are:
- Heidelberg XL 105-10p6
- Heidelberg XL 105-8
- Heidelberg XL 106-5+LX3 LE UV
- Heidelberg SX 102-2p
Our machine park gives you the printing potential of 100 000 000 B1 sheets per year.
We like to test ourselves in difficult challenges.

- KOLBUS KM 600 – line for seamless binding with PUR binding capability
- KOLBUS DA 270 – cover machine for complex (hardcover) binding
- Muller Martini Diamant MC 60 – the line for biding complex (hardcover) products
- Muller Martini Colibri – block preparation line for complex (hardcover) binding
- Muller Martini Primer C130 – saddle stitched line
- Muller martini VENTURA MC 200- automatic threading machine
- Muller martini VENTURA MC 160- automatic threading machine
- Hunkeler VEA 520 KS – the machine for attaching ends
- 5 x MBO with up to 8 parallel and 12 cross-sections, equipped with HHS adhesive systems
- 4 x Heidelberg Stahlfolder including three fully automatic

We would like to provide you with a detailed specification of the preparation of digital materials for printing together with the quality standards in force at the Printing House Poligrafia Janusz Nowak. The process of preparing materials for printing is extremely important. We pay special attention to it. We have a modern, fully automatic system from HEIDELBERG for digital data processing and color management. This system has greatly contributed to increasing the efficiency of production processes in the prepress and press department. In order to take full advantage of the system’s capabilities and thus speed up the execution process, we kindly ask you to read the specifications below. Knowing this process will allow you and the employees of the prepress department to quickly and effortlessly execute the orders entrusted to us.

Prinect Portal is a modern tool for managing and controlling the order from the client side. The customer has the opportunity to send materials at a convenient for himself time. They can be accepted from anywhere. You can add collaborators only for a specific job divided by role, such as material uploader, material approver, job manager. Each of them sees only the piece from the entire order to which they received access. Permissions can be combined with each other. For example, we combine the ability to transfer and accept printable materials for one or more people. For this purpose, we can specify the time frame when the employee should have access to the order. These are just some of the features of prnect portal illustrating its flexibility and great possibilities.