Consistent development of business headng in direction of satisfying constantly growing requirements of the market. Fast reaction for changes and preparations of long term business strategies is the solid foundation for stability and direction in which Poligrafia Janusz Nowak Sp. z o.o. developes.
Utilizing own and European grants during realization of projects and implementations, improves upkeeping of high production standards of our works. Through the last few years, we achieved huge technological leap, while introducing to the market our hardcover production line.
While using our experience and enthusiasmof our crew, we are able to face the hardest, moststrict expectations of the clients.
The Poligrafia Janusz Nowak brand is more and more established and appreciated in the printing industry, not only by our customers but also by suppliers of machines, employees and software.
An important element is cooperation with our business partners with whom, through the exchange of information, we can influence the directions of development of various areas related to printing, e.g. software, process standardization.
I. 1984 – Creation of the company established by Mr. Janusz Nowak
II. Janusz’s sons, Mikołaj and Łukasz, are involved in the development of the company
III. 2008 change of the legal form of the company to Poligrafia Janusz Nowak Sp. z o.o
IV. 2011 Poligrafia Janusz Nowak Sp. z o.o. changes headquarters
V. Ability to print 100 million B1 format sheets
VI. 2012 launch of the innovative complex luminaire technology
VII. 2014 Poligrafia Janusz Nowak Sp. z o.o. was awarded the “Business Gazelle 2014”
VIII. 2018 new services:
- A globally innovative service for marking products with invisible paint in daylight.
- A worldwide innovative service consisting in monitoring the production process during its course, from printing, through folding, sewing to the binding of the final product, our clients have the opportunity to obtain data on the specific amounts of waste material at each stage.
Convert the image to the paper.
Poligrafia Janusz Nowak has been a leader in its segment for many years. We do not mince words. We do what we know best since always. Books, leaflets, brochures. This is our world. The world of paper, color, print and binding. We’re really good at it. You can trust us and take the problem off your head.
NEW services at Poligrafia Janusz Nowak.
PJN, thanks to the implementation of a new investment project, expands its offer with the following products and services:
- Albums
- Brochures
- Hardcover books
- Paperback books
- Packaging
- Scratch cards
- mass instructions and manuals
Modern, innovative technologies are our advantages. In the era of high competition and saturated market, only companies with the latest technological solutions achieve success.
We know this and we do not allow ourselves to take half measures at any stage of production, from customer service, through planning, printing, bookbinding processes, warehouse and shipping. The whole supporting numerous IT systems that do not allow for errors.
Prinect Portal is a modern tool for managing and controlling the client’s order. The client has the option to send the materials at any time convenient for him. He can accept them from anywhere. It is possible to add collaborators only for a specific order broken down into roles, e.g. the person sending the materials, the person accepting the materials, the person managing the order. Each of them sees only a piece of the entire job required by the permissions.
Permissions can be combined with each other. For example, we combine the functions of sending and accepting materials intended for printing for one or more people. In addition, we can define the time frame when a given employee is to have access to the order. These are just some of the functionalities of the Prnect Portal illustrating its flexibility and great possibilities.